HUMAN: Life in a rapidly changing world, is a dance trio performance about humanity’s struggles against climate change, conflict and unprecedented societal changes. Set in an artificial imitation of the reality of the world, HUMAN: Life in a rapidly changing world, follows a journey of these three young men in their search for hope, solutions, peace and comfort through a physical and dynamic performance containing dance, film projection, motion graphics and music. The piece overlaps between what unfolded on stage on imagined events and zooming on actual world events happening in different parts of the world.
Concept and direction: Samwel Japhet Choreography and performance: Ulonzi Shabani, Tadhi Alawi and Samwel Japhet Music Composition: Shabani Mugado Motion Graphics: Shadrack Maluli Graphic designer: Shadrack Maluli Costumes: MERVKI REP Film shot and edited: Jimmy Mathias Actors: Mahmoud Mbega, Irene Themistocles Production: Nantea Dance Company
Premiered: at the 10th edition of KINANI Biennale – International Platform for Contemporary Dance & Biennale De La Danse En Afrique 2023 in Maputo, Mozambique.